Weather | 11/4, 0.40" rain, cloudy, 57°, 69° | 11/5, 0.58" rain, cloudy, 59°, 65°
|11/6, cloudy to clear, 45°, 55° | 11/7, sunny, 31°, 57° | 11/8, cloudy, 36°, 55° |
11/9, 0.15" rain, cloudy, 45°, 51° | 11/10, sunny, 47°, 57° |
- Monday, 11/4: A Beetle Bug Day
- After letting chickens out of the coop and giving them new water this morning, I counted eight squirrels leaving the pecan trees. Later, Amber had great fun chasing squirrels and woofing at them while bouncing on the ground under the trees.
- Mary vacuumed a ton of beetle bugs. The temperature was a little higher, with little or no wind, creating ideal conditions for Asian ladybugs to congregate on the sides of buildings. The ceiling of the chicken coop was a mass of crawling bugs.
- I used the big loppers and the Stihl trimmer fit with the steel blade to forge a path through woods next to the north yard and over the north field to a hickory tree with four trunks just inside the woods on the west side of the north field. I'll move the aluminum ladder stand to that location. I think I'll call it the Four Trunk Deer Stand.
- I wove a small cedar tree through hog fencing on the east side of the Boys Fort and pounded an 18-inch piece of rebar into the ground to hold the hog fence entrance closer to the tree, thereby better concealing me inside the deer blind.
- I picked some lettuce, arugula, and kale from our winter greens for a wonderful salad prior to our chicken and baked potato supper.
- Our eldest cat, Rosemary, hasn't eaten in four days. She ate some pieces of cheese midday and some small bits of chicken meat tonight. We hope she eats more tomorrow.
- I held the apple sauce intended for making apple wine in the refrigerator today. I have an eye appointment tomorrow and 10 a.m. in Quincy. We'll vote in Lewistown on the way back home. All of tomorrow's activities make it hard to attend to winemaking duties, so I'm holding off starting to make the wine until I'm back at home and not running around.
- Tuesday, 11/5: Final Eye Checkup
- We drove to Quincy for an eye appointment at 10 a.m. We were in there for 1.5 hours, with most of the time spent waiting. Doctors want patients to get to appointments early, but they are not prompt at doing their jobs. I have perfect vision in the left eye and 25/20 vision in the right eye. Insertions have healed, lenses are in perfect locations, and retinas look good. I don't need glasses and I can continue using over-the-counter reading glasses. Floaters and flashes I'm noticing in my left eye are age-related. If they increase, I need to return to the eye doctor to have my retina investigated.
- We bought a couple items in Quincy, then drove to Lewistown and voted. The voting precinct at the Lewistown Fire Department building was full. We returned home by 2:30 p.m.
- We continued with feeding chicken bits of meat to Rosemary and progressed with turkey. She's eating, so we're hopefully on a road to recovery with her.
- After doing evening chores, we ate and watched the 1993 movie, Dave, then watched the election results. Nothing was decided when we went to bed, but Trump was leading across the country. The constitutional amendment to ensure abortion rights in Missouri was approved.
- Katie texted a photo of her "I voted" sticker (see photo, below). Alaska has some really cool Tlingit artwork on their voting stickers.
An Alaskan "I voted" sticker.
- Wednesday, 11/6: First Spiced Apple Wine Started
- I made up a batch of spiced apple wine. Two nylon mesh bags were stuffed with 22 pounds, 6.8 ounces of course applesauce; 1 pound, 14 ounces of chopped raisins; 0.5 ounce of cloves; six broken cinnamon sticks; and eight ounces of shredded ginger root. A gallon of juice came out of the applesauce. In the brew bucket I added a gallon of water, 1.5 pounds of sugar, and 0.4 grams of K-meta. The specific gravity was 1.060 and the pH was 3.0. I left it in the pantry, covered with a towel, to sit overnight. Once I do the first racking, I should have a little over three gallons of wine. I'll make a second three-gallon batch once this batch is in a glass carboy.
- Mary worked on a cross stitch project.
- Mary painted fence posts and tree trunks on our south border, next to the gravel road, with purple paint to mark our property edge and indicate no trespassing to deer hunters.
- We watched the 2013 film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
- Turkey meat is a big hit with our oldest cat, Rosemary. She ate all of her meals very well, today, and even had some dry cat food on her nighttime meal. It's really good to see her getting excited about eating after a four-day session of not eating. With just two days of me ripping up chicken and turkey meat small enough for her to eat, she sticks with me in the kitchen while all other pets head into the back room with Mary to get their food.
- Thursday, 11/7: Winemaking, Cleaning, & Great Winter Greens
- A multitude of spiders are spinning webs in the tops of small shrubs in the fields that resemble small platforms surrounded by an orb of web threads. Mary also noticed them on the late afternoon dog walk as the evening sun lit them up with gold light. They're really beautiful.
- I removed our bedroom air conditioner while Mary vacuumed hundreds of Asian ladybugs that poured out of the AC's housing. They really packed into the unit and emerged as soon as we started moving the air conditioner through the window. We're at a stage in autumn when window air conditioners only leak cold temperatures into the room.
- Mary cleaned our bedroom and washed all of the throw rugs in that room.
- I picked greens that we added to the top of our midday meal of taco salad. All of the winter greens are growing very well (sees photos below). I continue to pick them, yet they still keep expanding upward and outward.
- I added two tablespoons of pectic enzyme and two grams of diammonium phosphate (DAP) to the spiced apple wine brew bucket. I worked up a starter batch of Red Star Côte des Blancs yeast throughout the day and pitched it into the brew bucket before going to bed, just after squeezing the two nylon mesh bags. At that point the specific gravity was 1.065, up five thousandths from yesterday, and the pH was 3.2, meaning I didn't need to add sugar or acid blend. The yeast went to work immediately in the brew bucket. Last year I let the brew bucket sit an extra day, with the idea being to give the pectic enzyme time to release more liquid from the applesauce. The problem with that idea is wild yeast starts to kick in and eat away at sugars. I didn't do that with this batch. We'll see which approach is best.
- I used a tank of gas in the trimmer and whacked weeds and grass out of the trail to Wood Duck Pond. There's a lot more to clean up on that trail.
- I took down the aluminum ladder deer stand and the hog fence with old cedar branches woven through it from the cedar tree next to the trail I cleaned up today. I'll move it to the four-trunk hickory tree in the north woods.
- A young deer stood on the lane and watched us as we walked toward it with the puppies this evening. At dusk, four deer were eating hazelnut bushes next to our lane. I walked outside, told them to stop eating our bushes, and they bounded off to the southwest.
Kale (left) & spinach (right) growing in tubs.
More winter greens of lettuce (left) & arugula (right).
- Friday, 11/8: Strawberries in November
- Mary picked two huge strawberries out of our strawberry patch that grows in buckets and tubs in the near garden. Who would have guessed that we'd be eating strawberries on our waffles in November.
- Mary and I moved the aluminum ladder deer stand to the north woods.
- I used two gas tanks in the Stihl trimmer to knock down more grass and weeds in the trail to Wood Duck Pond. I'm now between Bass and Dove Ponds where tall sericea lespedeza grows.
- I used two tie-down straps and secured the aluminum ladder deer stand into four trunks of the hickory tree in the north woods (see photo, below). I can survey the north field from that location, along with a chunk of the north woods.
- The yeast in the spiced apple wine is humming right along. The specific gravity is 1.060 after 24 hours in the brew bucket. The pantry smells very good.
The Four Trunk Deer Stand in the north woods.An Alaskan "I voted" sticker.
- Saturday, 11/9: Quiet Rainy Day
- Today was a quiet day. We had misty rain for most of the day, and then fog after it turned dark.
- Squirrels love wet weather. I saw them all over the place outside. I think they feel safer from getting nabbed by birds of prey when rain is falling.
- Mary cleaned the floor and books in the upstairs north bedroom while I put away winemaking stuff and years of saved bill receipts in the main floor west room. Neither of us finished.
- We enjoyed two pots each of Keemun tea from Stash while watching the 2001 movie, Gosford Park, which was a prelude to Downton Abbey. It's very good. Julian Fellows, who wrote both productions, won an Oscar for the screenplay of this movie.
- Sunday, 11/10: Mulching Garlic & Trail Cleanup
- I checked the spiced apple wine twice, today. Around noon, it had a specific gravity of 1.041 and an increased temperature of 68°. It was in the 50s when I started this batch. By bedtime, the specific gravity was at 1.033. The amount of material in the two nylon mesh bags is significantly reduced.
- Mary mowed the east yard and used the grass clippings to mulch two of the three rows of garlic, which are already sprouting. If these high temperatures keep up, we'll be harvesting garlic in early May, instead of June.
- I used 3.5 tanks of gas in the Stihl trimmer and whacked weeds and grass from the rest of the trail to Wood Duck Pond.
- I made a quick check of the deer stand that a relative of our neighbor to the east put near our property at Wood Duck Pond. He used tie-down straps wrapped completely around the tree to hold the metal deer stand in place. Over a few years, those straps girdled the tree and killed it. Since last year, the tree fell over and took the stand down with it. Good! I might be able to hunt closer to the pond without fear of someone from that stand aiming a rifle west and toward me. Anytime I've hunted in recent years with the pond in plain sight, I first check to see if someone is in that stand.
- I might change the location of the Wood Duck Blind. Currently, an oak branch fell on it and smashed in the roof. It needs rebuilding. It's tucked into the hill opposite of our neighbor's property to the east and faces west. I only saw one big buck deer from there last year, whereas I saw several deer while parked behind an oak tree facing north and looking directly down on the pond. I'm also seeing more deer tracks near the pond's shoreline, compared to up and down the dry creek bed just in front of the current Wood Duck Blind. The oak tree facing the pond might be a better deer blind location.
- In the evening, I ordered powdered milk and coffee through Sam's Club. Both are items the Quincy Sam's Club no longer sells, but we can buy online. I also ordered another 50-pound bag of old fashioned oatmeal through Finally, I ordered six varieties of loose leaf tea through Harney & Sons, based in CT. Mary read that they're a very good tea company. Stash, who we've bought tea from for years, has less loose leaf tea varieties and seems to be trending toward flavored teas...not what we prefer.