Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Jan. 20-26, 2019

Weather | 1/20, snow, 0.25" moisture, -1°, 14° | 1/21, 0.01" moisture, 5°, 23° | 1/22, 0.62" rain, 25°, 33° | 1/23, 17°, 20° | 1/24, 15°, 23° | 1/25, -5°, 25° | 1/26, 5°, 29° |

  • Mary saw 8 trumpeter swans fly over our property on Sunday (1/20). 
  • The snow that came down on Sunday (1/20) drifted with strong east/NE winds. Mary attempted to shovel the driveway, but quit with it started drifting. As a result, I parked the Cadillac at the end of the lane, just off the gravel road and walked our 1/4-mile lane to the house for the rest of the week.
  • Had 1/8-inch of ice on everything Monday (1/21) morning. It took about 15 minutes to break into the Cadillac. I made it through the driver's side back door. Crawled through with the backpack on and tried to reach over the seat to open the driver's door. While doing so, I think I cracked my lowest right rib, since it hurts when I move certain ways and doesn't seem to get much better from day-to-day. What an idiot I am! Oh, well...grin and bear it.
  • Shane, my boss, got to talking about changes he wanted to make with employees in the store, so I told him I was retiring as of my 62nd birthday. He wants me to stay on as a part-time dog trainer. He told the district manager, Rob, about my retirement and Rob was saddened...said I was a good employee and dog trainer. Rob told Shane to get me to stay on part-time. I told Shane I'll have to get information from Social Security on just how much I can work as a part-time employee.
  • I bought groceries on Saturday (1/26). Mary met me at the end of the lane with the plastic sled, which we loaded with groceries, and we hauled everything home. 

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