Tuesday, May 7, 2019

May 5-11, 2019

Weather | 5/5, 49°, 72° | 5/6, 54°, 76° | 5/7, 0.67" rain, 53°, 51° | 5/8, 0.18" rain, 55°, 72° | 5/9, 45°, 49° | 5/10, 38°, 59° | 5/11, 0.05" rain, 47°, 53° |

  • Sunday (5/5): Had my 5 classes of dog training. Had an extra dog attend a class at 3:30 with Aggie, the Basset Hound. It's name is Suki, a chihuahua/yorkie cross that showed it's teeth at the curious hound. I sent the dog home, early, because it was misplaced in a Level 2 lesson, when it needs to be in a Level 1 session. The husband brought the dog in and said to call his wife, which I did later. Sunday is the only day that will work for them, so I'll have to figure that out with Shane. Back home, Mary raked grass tht was mowed yesterday and put in as mulch around all of the young cherry trees, after putting cow panels around the small trees to guard from chewing deer. She mowed more lawn. Mary also removed firewood and the wood rack from the living room. I bought dinner at Subway and brought it home, so Mary didn't have to fiddle with making supper.
  • Monday (5/6): Taught 1st class of Level 2 to my 6 pm class (1 of the 2 dogs missed class). Parents of the woman who owns Ruby, a doodle I teach on Thursdays, got a new puppy and I sold them a 2-level package of classes, so I had 2 new dogs in a 7pm Level 1, Class 1. They are Munson, a poodle/bishon, and Hershey, a pomeranian. The class went very well. Lisa, who owns Hershey, ran into Ron (the other Petco dog trainer) on Saturday, who told her to wait until the dog knows its name prior to bringing it for training with us. That's ridiculous, since the first item we're supposed to cover is the name game, an exercise to get the dog familiar with its name. I texted Shane, telling him Ron needs to quit running customers away with that comment. Shane agreed and said he will talk to Ron. Mary mowed all the near garden and outside of far garden. She's taken in too much pollen and needs a break.
  • Tuesday (5/7): Got a 4% raise at Petco, which only means I use up the amount Social Security allows me to make in a year faster...I guess that's a good thing. Investigated Mother's Day gift for Mom and decided upon a gift certificate to Logee's. Toured trees. Have lots of new green cherries developing. Watched a BBC Cadfael show and Promised Land, which was a good movie.
  • Wednesday (5/8): Balanced checkbook. Downloaded AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) pages from Petco's dog training curriculum book that I took photos of several months ago and uploaded to iCloud for CGS Class 1 and wrote note cards. Shane called and said Petco's VP of product and sales is holding a roundtable meeting with employees in St. Louis next Wednesday and Rob, our district manager, asked Shane if I'd attend. Shane thinks I'd be a good representative from the Quincy store. I said yes. Thinking about going the day prior and overnighting with Bill, since it's an 8 am meeting in St. Louis. Mary made bread.
  • Thursday (5/9): Trained 2 dogs at work. A new dog called Thunder, a Boston Terrier, jumps and scratches its owner...will be a tough one to train. Mary did inside work. Texted Mom and Bill while driving home. It's cool in Circle MT. Working out details for Tuesday night's overnight at Bill's apartment. Learned that Jane Cason, the former Homer High School librarian, died at age 90 on April 8th, in Anchorage.
  • Friday (5/10): Clipped nails on all dogs and washed their collars. Mary & I mowed the lane. 
  • Saturday (5/11): Took Plato and Amber to the Vetco event at Petco and got them rabies shots...cost only $30 for both dogs, due to 20% employee discount. Shane asked me to schmooze with the people. I had Plato with me. He's stellar at being nice with other people and dogs. One woman said, "You should put him on the payroll." I sold a complete package (three 6-week sessions) to a woman with a uncontrollable golden doodle (golden retriever/poodle). Got home, ate nachos and watched 2 movies...Darkest Hour and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

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