Weather | 1/13, sunny, 3°, 22° | 1/14, sunny, 15°, 17°
|1/15, sunny, 0°, 27° | 1/16, sunny, 23°, 42° | 1/17, sunny, 26°, 49° |
1/18, sunny, 15°, 27° | 1/19, sunny, 0°, 7° |
- Monday, 1/13: Dr. Visit & Seeds, Trees Ordered
- We got a text that Katie's electrical power came back on at midnight. There is a great deal of damage in Anchorage due to high winds and flooding. Katie sent us photos and there are articles in the Anchorage Daily News about it.
- We had a low temperature of 3° at sunrise.
- I attended a doctor's appointment in Lewistown at 9:30 a.m. My doctor wondered whether it was time to change one of my diabetes medications, based on my blood glucose numbers for the past six months, but test results that showed up in the afternoon indicated an A1C of 6.7, so I am to stay on current medications. My blood pressure was high, so he asked that I return in a couple days to get another reading before altering any medication to correct hypertension.
- While the nurse took initial readings of me at the examination room, she suddenly walked to the far wall and removed a sticker that read "awesome." She said probably a kid stuck that to the wall on a previous visit. Later, while waiting for the doctor to show up, I spotted another sticker near the examination table in the room that read "game over." That's not the best message to see in such a room. I chuckled when I saw it.
- Mary saw a perfect fox footprint in the snow along the path to the chicken coop. I noticed a huge deer hoof print in the snow near the far garden. Snow is great at revealing the past trek of wild animals.
- Mary and I ordered 24 packages of seeds, three fruit trees, a pair of waterproof insulated gloves, and some cross stitch Aida cloth, all online. I used up a gift certificate from Katie to help pay for the fruit trees.
- We watched the 2011 film, War Horse.
- We got a text that Katie's electrical power came back on at midnight. There is a great deal of damage in Anchorage due to high winds and flooding. Katie sent us photos and there are articles in the Anchorage Daily News about it.
- Tuesday, 1/14: Fixing the Range Top
- The high for the day was our morning and afternoon temperature. The mercury dropped at nightfall.
- UPS delivered the parts to our kitchen range top, so I put the new parts in the appliance. The Y-bracket that supports the element coil on the new part was wimpy, so I removed the Y-bracket from the old element and put it on the new one. After removing the old terminal block where the element is inserted, I saw where it is very cracked and decayed. I yanked the old wiring out of the back of the old terminal block and it was very black with hardened wire insulation. Tonight, when I did two batches of popcorn on that burner, it popped up in half the time it's been taking to do popcorn. I'm glad I replaced the parts.
- Mary made flour tortillas and then some fajitas for our midday meal, using frozen green peppers. She's always bought fresh peppers in the past. The frozen peppers worked fine, which is better, since they're raised in our garden and we know they are handled right.
- Mary watched the moon rise to the northeast. It looked like fire when it first emerged over the horizon, because it was so orange. There were also two planets in the night sky, they were Mars and Jupiter. Then, she watched the space station fly overhead. It was a busy time looking out the east door window.
- The high for the day was our morning and afternoon temperature. The mercury dropped at nightfall.
- Wednesday, 1/15: Maintenance on Chainsaws
- I greased the clutch bearing of the big Stihl chainsaw and put the new E-clip on the end of the crankshaft and outside the chain sprocket. The old missing E-clip was obviously sprung and that's why it departed, because this new E-clip is tougher to get on the end of the crankshaft. Tougher is better. It will stay. I can't find the wire underneath the clutch that drives the oil pump. I think it's gone. I need to remove the clutch to determine the oil pump status.
- I also put the second chain on the small chainsaw. The first chain has bent drags preventing it from fitting into the slots of the bar. I'll need to try filing down the sides of these drags. If that doesn't work, I need to buy a new chain.
- We saw an immature bald eagle fly over our house.
- The two solid clamshell eyeglass cases that I recently ordered for my cheater glasses arrived in today's mail.
- I did online research on removing a Stihl chainsaw clutch. I've been trying to obtain a piston stop, which is a device inserted through the spark plug hole that restricts the piston, enabling the removal of the clutch or the flywheel. They only exist in metal form for my big Stihl chainsaw. Metal piston stops can damage the tops of pistons. A better approach, outlined online, is using a length of synthetic rope inserted into the spark plug hole. It's softer and doesn't dent the top of the piston, yet stops the engine from turning over so the clutch can be removed.
- Thursday, 1/16: More Firewood
- I sharpened the small Stihl chainsaw chain. It's so much easier than sharpening the big saw. The teeth are thin and fewer teeth are on the chain. Just three strokes with the file per tooth and it was very sharp.
- I marched around in the woods on either side of the west field looking for standing dead trees that weren't too large to cut down for firewood. I found three perfect trees near the Bobcat Trail on the north woods side of the west field. Snow was marked with several deer tracks.
- After driving the tractor and wagon down the west field and parking on the north side, we cut down three red oak trees. I cut up an oak limb and those three trees into firewood chunks while Mary started loading the wagon. Mary says she's the mule on this chore. I helped load wood into the wagon once I finished cutting up chunks. The small chainsaw did a great job. The largest trunk was about 10 inches thick. Ground near the wagon turned mushy as our boots dug into the thawing earth. The tires of the 8N Ford tractor were spinning in the snow a little as I drove back home. We emptied a full wagon load. Most of the firewood needs to be split.
- When we walked the puppies at night, we noticed that Mars was lined up with the stars Castor and Pollux, which are at the top of the constellation Gemini. Plus, Jupiter was with Aldebaran, the red star that is the eye of constellation Taurus, the bull.
- I tried the Harney & Sons green tea. It's great.
- Friday, 1/17: Splitting Wood
- Today was a melting day and most of the snow disappeared. The ground became very soft, so it wasn't a day to go get more firewood.
- Bugs, bugs, bugs meant the shop vac was very busy inside the house.
- I split all of the firewood that we brought in yesterday and created two large temporary stacks in the machine shed (see photo, below). I'll move that wood to the woodshed tomorrow when the ground is frozen, making it easier to maneuver a wheelbarrow.
- I saw a small deer approaching the lane at the south end of Bluegill Pond when I walked to the mailbox for the mail. It spun around and walked back into the woods. Mary and I saw three cackling geese fly over our house. With the help of an north wind, they were flying very quickly to the south. We recognized them by their call, which sounds like THIS. They're from Alaska and far northern Canada and are about the size of a mallard duck.
Red oak firewood that I split today. - Today was a melting day and most of the snow disappeared. The ground became very soft, so it wasn't a day to go get more firewood.
- Saturday, 1/18: Moving Firewood
- A virtual fly tying course is offered by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). It involves two-hour sessions that are for four Mondays between Feb. 24 and March 17. I signed up for it. This will be a good way to get back into learning the basics, since I haven't done a darn thing with fly tying since I went to a one-day class put on by MDC in Kirksville on 1/14/23.
- Indoor chores meant I didn't get outside until mid-afternoon. On the walk to the mailbox, a flock of robins flew over me...probably about 50 birds. They live here through the winter and hid out in cedar groves on our property.
- I moved 11 wheelbarrow loads of firewood into the woodshed. Toward the beginning, I used the hat light that Katie gave me as a Christmas gift. It works extremely well. The newest red oak firewood burns with maximum heat for a very long time. I got the stack in the woodshed up to shoulder height.
- We watched the 2001 film, Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring.
- Sunday, 1/19: Slug Day
- Today was a single digit day outside, only getting to a high of 7°. Mom, in eastern Montana, was colder with -15° at her house. I see where Roseau, Minn., where we once lived, is predicted to get to -28°. Meanwhile, snow levels are so low in Alaska that they're canceling sled dog races.
- Mary and I were indoor slugs, today. And I was more sluggish than Mary. At least she did some drawing and cross stitch work. I barely moved off the living room couch.
- Rather than watching TV advertisements ad nauseam, I find it better to look at football game recaps on YouTube. For 10-15 minutes, you get to see the highlights and skip all of the boring nonsense. It frees up time to be a sloth in some other form.
- Nighttime dog walks of late include spectacular star viewing. Tonight an orange moon rose to the east that was beautiful.
- We watched the 2002 film, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
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