Wednesday, April 3, 2019

March 31-April 6, 2019

Weather | 3/31, 24°, 43° | 4/1, 26°, 54° | 4/2,36 °, 54° | 4/3, 37°, 53° | 4/4, 0.19" rain, 41°, 49° | 4/5, 47°, 57° | 4/6, 39°, 70° |

  • Tuesday (4/2): Shane, my boss, goofed up on work schedule planning. Originally, I was to work full-time this week and start part-time next week, but he started the part-time schedule this week. So, I get today through Friday off. I put in for 2 days of PTO (paid time off) this week. He will have me work full-time the week after next to make up the difference. It was a lazy day for me today.
  • Wednesday (4/3): Updated this blog. Mary weeded and put compost on the asparagus bed. They should be popping through the ground any day, now. We checked all of the cherry trees that Mary planted last year. We have 8 live ones and 3 dead ones. We also have 1 big one that Herman planted the year before we arrived here. We also have a small Bartlett pear tree and 2 blueberry bushes we've neglected for years. Shane asked if I wanted to work Friday. I declined, because I want to really go to part-time at PETCO. Besides, for once I want to get caught up on firewood collection and have a year's supply ready prior to the heating season. Now is the best time to do that.
  • Thursday (4/4): Went to the Quincy Library book sale. At 50 cents an inch, we bought $12.75 in books. Mary always reminds me that I buy more books than she does.I bought a pair of new military desert boots and merino wool socks at the Salvation Army store. I also bought a 12 volt air compressor for topping off the tire pressures on the Cadillac until we can afford to buy new rims. Then, we shopped for food.
  • Friday (4/5): Spent most of the day reading books we bought yesterday. We had shrimp for dinner, in celebration of my retirement.
  • Saturday (4/6): Grass is really greening up, even in the fields. Asian ladybugs are getting thick in the house, so Mary is doing a lot of vacuuming. I was back at work after 4 days off. Mary Moffett put in her 2-week notice. That's good, because she's a very poor worker. She's moving to Arkansas to live with her new squeeze. Shane has a new employee transferring in from the Sioux City, Iowa PETCO store at the end of April. With Mary leaving, he needs me to do a full-time week on the last week of April. No problem, I told Shane, I'll be probably ending all employment with PETCO come hunting season due to the limit Social Security puts on my annual income from outside sources. He doesn't care now, but he might care at the end of this year.

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