Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 16-22, 2019

Weather | 6/16,  0.58" rain, 65°, 82° | 6/17, 62°, 76° | 6/18, 63°, 79° | 6/19, 1.81" rain, 63°, 68° | 6/20, 61°, 77° | 6/21, 0.77" rain, 64°, 69° | 6/22, 0.78" rain, 64°, 82° | 
  • Sunday (6/16): Two cancellations on dog training, so I had 4 of my 6 Sunday classes. One woman with a white husky called Alaska has missed more classes than she's attended. Mary made Mississippi Mud, a chocolate dessert. Bill called. Still looking for new work. Katie called and talked to Mary.
  • Monday (6/17): Trained 3 dog training classes at work. Three dogs were spastic...must be the full moon! Rufus, a great dane/golden mix, pooped on the floor, like he always does. I'm renaming him Roofus Poopus. He never does it inside the house at home. Munson, a little shit dog, now thinks all cues presented to him means it's time to run around in circles and play...don't know the answer to training that little ass. I'm getting tired of training jackass excuses for dogs. Mary mowed and washed clothes.  
  • Tuesday (6/18):I redid several of the donuts holding electric wire on the fence in the near garden, adjusted corner wires tighter and closer to the ground, pulled all of the wires tight, reinstalled connections between hot and ground wires, and turned on the fencer. Everything works like it should, so now we can zap little bunny butts. I still need to add some wires at deer-nose level. Mary mowed more of the lawn. Got texts from Katie with photos of her flying into her destination.
  • Wednesday (6/19): It was a very rainy day. I figured out our current money situation. Gave Mary a haircut.
  • Thursday (6/20): Had 2 people cancel on dog training classes, so trained 2 dogs in 2 of my 4 classes. Closed the store with Brandon, who transferred to us from a Cedar Rapids, Iowa Petco store. He's an absolute dud, which means I work harder. Mary picked some raspberries and did cleaning, since it's a swamp outside.
  • Friday (6/21): First day of summer and it's cloudy and rainy. We were really lazy. Watched The Monuments Men movie.
  • Saturday (6/22): Rained overnight. A big chunk of the lawn is ankle-deep in water. Still haven't planted a garden, due to too much rain. Several of our small cherry trees have yellow leaves...they're not cypress trees and can't grow in a swamp. Went shopping in Quincy. Bought items for leaky roof. When we opened a new bag of chicken food, it was all moldy inside...someone at Farm & Home left it out in the rain...wonder where the rain came only rains every damn day! We watched The Mummy, a silly adventure movie. Lightning was striking when we went to bed.

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