Monday, June 10, 2019

June 9-15, 2019

Weather | 6/9,  64°, 86° | 6/10, 54°, 75° | 6/11, 53°, 79° | 6/12, 0.62" rain, 59°, 69° | 6/13, 50°, 69° | 6/14, 0.01" rain, 53°, 73° | 6/15, 0.97" rain, 63°, 83° | 
  • Sunday (6/9): I created a poster and index cards for the 2nd class of AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) for work. Did my marathon of Sunday dog training at work...2 dogs didn't show. Had to pump up left front tire when I went to work, but when I went home, it was fine...who knows what's going on? At home, Mary made 4 loaves of bread. She talked to Katie. She's excited about future trip north.
  • Monday (6/10): Had 3 dog training classes at work...1 class where both dogs didn't show (it's the good ole' summertime) and another where only Dad brought dog (Munson), who just wanted to play, so Dad went home early. He's the head basketball coach at Quincy University. I wonder if he does that at basketball games...not very patient. Back home, Mary picked cherries, cut scapes off garlic, and put ashes and compost around young cherry trees, since they look pale green from too much rain. She also noticed that birds are going after unripe, white mulberry fruits, instead of the pie cherries, confirming what we've read, that having mulberry trees near cherry trees saves the cherry crop. While walking dogs at night, looked at Jupiter through binoculars, since it's close to earth. We could see one of Jupiter's moons.
  • Tuesday (6/11): Big animal day...1 wild turkey, 3 deer, and a mink. We're also seeing evidence of deer munching on exposed leaves in our yard. Mary harvested all but 1 variety of garlic. We tied them up and hung the harvested garlic in the machine shed. I weed whacked under the fence in the near garden...tough going, because I continuously was nailed with mud in the face. I also lowered all of the existing wires of the fence closer together and near the ground, in an attempt to keep those dastardly rabbits at bay. In the evening, we watched a documentary movie called Apollo 11. It contains real footage of the entire trip. It's very good.
  • Wednesday (6/12): Rainy day. I updated and balanced the checkbook. Mary fixed flounder, a product of wasn't too good...shrunk to half its size when cooked. Listened to Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals and the St. Louis Blues won 4-1, beating the Boston Bruins. It was a first time for the Blues to win the Stanley Cup. Bill said fireworks were going off all over St. Louis after the win...he said it sounded like the Gaza Strip outside.
  • Thursday (6/13): Trained a new dog at 4pm at work, a lab mix, which will be an easy dog to train. Mary picked the last of the cherries. A lot of cherries didn't develop, due to improper pollination...cold and wet when they were blooming.
  • Friday (6/14): Worked 8am to 1pm, and then did some grocery shopping after work. Mary harvested the last of the garlic and watched a fledgling rose-breasted grosbeak in the mulberry bush outside the sunroom window. We hung the last of the garlic in the Machine Shed, when I got home.
  • Saturday (6/15): Stormed at 4am and rained until afternoon. I created note cards for Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Class 3 and created a CGC Class 3 poster board. Talked to Katie. She's leaving for her trip early tomorrow morning. Another friend is staying at her place to handle her pets while she's gone.

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